Billy League

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    General Rules


    Posts : 20
    Join date : 2013-01-04
    Age : 28
    Location : Greece.

    General Rules Empty General Rules

    Post by DeAtH-LeGenD™ Wed Jan 30, 2013 8:25 pm

    1. Any team has the right to pause game for up to 5 minutes.​ Counting 1 2 3 before pausing or resuming.A maximum of 2 pauses per team are allowed per game and the ruiner will get banned.
    2. If a player disconnects/leaves before 5 minutes (In-game time) both teams are obliged to remake the game. (Use !rmk/!votermk command.)
    3. If you remake the game ​all players must choose exactly the same heroes and same items.Additionally all heroes must be in the same lane as they were from the first game and all wards must be placed on the same places or not placed.After creep contact on the lane you can change lanes.
    4. Backdoor ​​is allowed.
    5. Leaving/afking/game ruining is
    NOT allowed.
    6. Flaming staff/players for any reason is
    NOT allowed.
    7. Spamming main chat/lobby chat is
    NOT allowed.
    8. Do
    NOT ask for ranks.

      Current date/time is Sun Jun 30, 2024 10:35 am