Billy League

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    Team Captain Rules


    Posts : 20
    Join date : 2013-01-04
    Age : 28
    Location : Greece.

    Team Captain Rules Empty Team Captain Rules

    Post by DeAtH-LeGenD™ Wed Jan 30, 2013 8:57 pm

    Available Commands In Game Lobby.
    Forcefully starts the game.

    !swap (slotnumber) (slotnumber)
    Swaps a specific slot with another slot.

    !open (slotnumber)
    Opens a specific slot number, can be stacked.

    Available Commands In Game.
    Remakes the games without the loss nor addition of points.

    Team Captain Rules.
    Create your own game by hosting it:
    !host Wisperer
    Wisperer has been hosted.

    Commands you are allowed to use in custom/hosted games:

    Read Below
    Read Below
    You're allowed to use !start only when you're positively sure that all the players who haven't used !ready are willing to play the game.
    It is not highly advised to forcefully start the game.
    You are forbidden to !rmk the game what so ever the case is, wither you're losing or something went wrong.
    The only usage of !rmk can be done, if your friends/allies/team left before 10 minutes of game time.
    Even if someone abused in any way or another in game, you're not allowed to use the !rmk command, instead you can ban the person after the game ends.
    If it highly advised to ask your allies and opponents before remaking a game.
    Sportsmanship is a must when it comes to remaking a game.

    Commands you are allowed to use in signed or non custom/hosted games:
    This is the only command you're allowed to use in signed games.

    Anyone caught using or abusing his/her Team Captain rights will be demoted immediately.
    You can re-apply for your Team Captain after 3 - 10 days, depending on several factors.Staff decision is made.
    If you are found that you have abused your Team Captain rights for up to 3 times, you will never get your Team Captain back.

      Current date/time is Fri Jun 28, 2024 12:06 am