Billy League

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    [Format] Billy League Abuse


    Posts : 20
    Join date : 2013-01-04
    Age : 28
    Location : Greece.

    [Format] Billy League Abuse Empty [Format] Billy League Abuse

    Post by DeAtH-LeGenD™ Wed Jan 30, 2013 9:23 pm

    R.G.C. wants a clean environment for all its players wherever they decide to go play in or at.

    Staff in a certain room ban or unvouch players without a valid reason.

    Your first and must do option is to always talk to:

    Head Administrator.

    They should handle and deal all abuse that is made by their minor staff.

    What if they don't listen or ignore you?
    What if they are the ones abusing?

    The following format is to report league/room abuse.

    Your RGC Username:
    Abuser RGC Username:
    Room/League Name:
    Proof (Pictures):
    Did you talk to room higher staff before reporting ? (Yes/No)
    Explain your situation:

    Follow the correct format or your abuse report will be ignored.

      Current date/time is Fri Jun 28, 2024 12:07 am