Billy League

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9 posters

    Staff Recruitment -OPENED


    Posts : 1
    Join date : 2012-11-09
    Age : 31
    Location : Lebanon

    Staff Recruitment -OPENED Empty Staff Recruitment -OPENED

    Post by Admin Sun Feb 03, 2013 5:05 pm

    Billy League Is A High Skilled League That Requires High Skilled Staff.
    Staff Should Act Maturely At all Times ,And Avoid Any Kind of Abusing,Staff must Follow the League Rules And Apply Them.
    5-6 New Staff will Be Picked ,Starting from Moderator To be further Promoted To voucher /Admin/Head Admin.
    Staff Is Able to Participate in the League Tournaments.


    -Must be a member of RGC for at least 3 full months.
    -Must have a low warning level.
    -No spamming/low quality.
    -No open/unresolved scam reports.
    -You may have negative reputations but they will be reviewed on a case to case basis.

    Application Form:

    -Your RGC Username:
    -What are some of your skills?:
    -How can you contribute to the group?:
    -Links to any contributions If any:
    -Reason why you want to join?:
    -Why do you deserve to be Staff?:

    Miscellaneous Questions:

    -In one paragraph, describe your personality:
    -Rate your grammar, on a scale from 1-10:
    -How active are you on the computer?:
    -Do you act differently on the internet, than you do in real life?:

    Remember joining this group is strictly a privilege, leaders are not obligated to accept new members. Applications will be reviewed in time and selection will be more strict. If you're not selected, just re-apply another time.

    Please note that if any of the information above is missing your request will be Denied/Ignored.

    Posts : 1
    Join date : 2013-02-03

    Staff Recruitment -OPENED Empty Re: Staff Recruitment -OPENED

    Post by ying21| Sun Feb 03, 2013 11:22 pm

    Application Form

    -Your RGC Username: Ying21|

    -What are some of your skills?: im studying computer science which is of great advantage, i play rgc dota since 3 to 4 years ago, i am sincere and fair.

    -How can you contribute to the group?: by detecting inactive, mhs, flamers, and abusers and reporting them directly and creating games - im already a TC

    -Links to any contributions If any: no

    -Reason why you want to join?: i am a gd player who seeks improvement in ur group and is able to help more oftenly than others due to my free time

    -Why do you deserve to be Staff?: i am sincere and fair, which allows to me to take decisions in the right moment and i can detect mistakes fast - i am already a TC in ur league.

    Miscellaneous Questions

    -Name: Ayman
    -Age: 19
    -Country/State: Lebanon

    -In one paragraph, describe your personality: i am a mature person, dedicating his life to knowledge and helping others, i am a boyscout leader with gives me several advantages in life in management, organization and critical thinking.

    -Rate your grammar, on a scale from 1-10: 9

    -How active are you on the computer?: daily - most of the day - computer science student - i do everything on the computer

    -Do you act differently on the internet, than you do in real life?: No

    Posts : 1
    Join date : 2013-02-04

    Staff Recruitment -OPENED Empty Applying Staff for Billy League Channel.

    Post by VIP.Sophia Mon Feb 04, 2013 10:16 am

    Application Form:

    -Your RGC Username: -[Sophia]-

    -What are some of your skills?:

    Computer Literate (Designing)

    -How can you contribute to the group?:

    To Make The Channel Active than any other Channel Smile anything you want to to do just tell me ... i mean evrything Very Happy

    -Links to any contributions If any:

    -Reason why you want to join?:

    SillyBilly The Founder is Cool and very Friendly , i think this channel will become popular, right ? and i nid some work on RGC Smile

    -Why do you deserve to be Staff?:

    Because im Active , HardWorking and Always Looking some Work on RGC Very Happy

    Miscellaneous Questions:

    -Name: Maria Sophia Bantillo Ludovica
    -Age: 20
    -Country/State: Philippines
    -In one paragraph, describe your personality: Happy Person
    -Rate your grammar, on a scale from 1-10: 7?
    -How active are you on the computer?: Minimum of 12 Hours Online , I'm a Computer Attendant . Computer Shop of my Uncle
    -Do you act differently on the internet, than you do in real life?: Nope . i Am What i am

    Posts : 1
    Join date : 2013-02-04

    Staff Recruitment -OPENED Empty Re: Staff Recruitment -OPENED

    Post by OMG.Overlol Mon Feb 04, 2013 10:10 pm

    Application Form

    -Your RGC Username: OMG.Overlol

    -What are some of your skills?:I just finished my studies - Accounting Technician , i play dota since 5 years ago i started it at garena, then now i'm at rgc.

    -How can you contribute to the group?: there are to many Players who abuse and ruins our games by blaming others or uses Map hack, and others just feed and being afk, i'm just bored of them and i want to have a better games , so i just have to report them directly and creat my own games for more fun.

    -Links to any contributions If any: no

    -Reason why you want to join?: to know more people, and give them a chance to have a better gaming experience.

    Miscellaneous Questions

    -Name: Zaki
    -Age: 22
    -Country/State: Algeria

    -In one paragraph, describe your personality: I'm kind of wise

    -Rate your grammar, on a scale from 1-10: 7/8

    -How active are you on the computer?: i'm a gamer so i'm always on my pc Wink

    -Do you act differently on the internet, than you do in real life?: dual phase? i'm a noob farmer so i don't have so much money to get manta style :/

    Posts : 20
    Join date : 2013-01-04
    Age : 28
    Location : Greece.

    Staff Recruitment -OPENED Empty Re: Staff Recruitment -OPENED

    Post by DeAtH-LeGenD™ Tue Feb 05, 2013 2:42 pm

    !Accepted, Ying21| welcome to our team. Smile

    Posts : 1
    Join date : 2013-02-05

    Staff Recruitment -OPENED Empty Re: Staff Recruitment -OPENED

    Post by TITO--TITO Tue Feb 05, 2013 9:58 pm

    Application Form:
    -Your RGC Username:•TITO-TITO•
    -What are some of your skills?: Good to detect maphackers by using 1.-Dota Replay Manager / 2.-Enemy Click Checker / 3.-Replay Seeker / 4.-Key Presser / 5.-DW3gParser.
    -How can you contribute to the group?: I would like to help new users joining the RGC and punish those who violate the rules and thus make RGC a good place to play dota.
    -Links to any contributions If any: (is not "billy league" for I see that I speak the truth)
    -Reason why you want to join?: I would like to enter the staff, to help with my work to be a good rgc platform game, and help users ofcourse.
    -Why do you deserve to be Staff?:Because I am very fond of the rules and responsible, with much discretion to resolve all kinds of complaints, and I consider myself a people person who likes to help users.

    Miscellaneous Questions:

    -Name: TITO
    -Age: 21
    -Country/State: Bolivia-Santa Cruz
    -In one paragraph, describe your personality:Sociable, collaborative, respectful of the rules.
    -Rate your grammar, on a scale from 1-10:8
    -How active are you on the computer?:7-12 hours
    -Do you act differently on the internet, than you do in real life?:Since I'm on the computer so I'm behind her, a friendly sociable and friendly person, in thank

    Posts : 1
    Join date : 2013-02-06

    Staff Recruitment -OPENED Empty Staff Recriutment!!

    Post by I♥Drewヅ Wed Feb 06, 2013 11:52 am

    Application Form:
    -Your RGC Username: I♥Drewヅ
    -What are some of your skills?: Handling a room and in forums..
    -How can you contribute to the group?: by inviting some more players to play in Billy league room!

    -Links to any contributions If any: none.

    -Reason why you want to join?: because i want to experience more dota in Billy League room!

    -Why do you deserve to be Staff?: because i am hardworking and i would like to try bieng mod at this room and do my best!

    Miscellaneous Questions:

    -Name:John Andrew Duarte
    -Country/State: Philippines
    -In one paragraph, describe your personality:
    Im the kind of person who likes to chat with girls and go out with them i like to play dota always most of the time i spend it on playing computer.
    -Rate your grammar, on a scale from 1-10: 8
    -How active are you on the computer?: 10-15 hours
    -Do you act differently on the internet, than you do in real life?: not really i just act the same.

    Posts : 1
    Join date : 2013-02-06

    Staff Recruitment -OPENED Empty Application Form Application Form Application Form

    Post by ➝`[A]rvin.xD~ Wed Feb 06, 2013 1:27 pm

    -Your RGC Username: ➝`[A]rvin.xD~

    -What are some of your skills?:I study in technology and science for a month ,i have a good english comumication with others and i want to play DOTA.

    -How can you contribute to the group?: by detecting inactive, mhs, flamers, and abusers and reporting them directly and creating games

    -Links to any contributions If any: nope

    -Reason why you want to join?: i want to promote this channel

    -Why do you deserve to be Staff?: im a patient person and make everyone pair.


    -Name: Arvin Cleofe
    -Age: 16
    -Country/State: Ph

    -In one paragraph, describe your personality: i am an intelligent person and i respect others

    -Rate your grammar, on a scale from 1-10
    : 9.9

    -How active are you on the computer?: daily

    -Do you act differently on the internet, than you do in real life?: never.

    Posts : 1
    Join date : 2013-02-08
    Age : 27
    Location : Philippines

    Staff Recruitment -OPENED Empty Re: Staff Recruitment -OPENED

    Post by hjosephnoel22 Fri Feb 08, 2013 9:14 pm


    -Must be a member of RGC for at least 3 full months.
    -Must have a low warning level.
    -No spamming/low quality.
    -No open/unresolved scam reports.
    -You may have negative reputations but they will be reviewed on a case to case basis.
    Application Form :

    -Your RGC Username: >*Joseph*<
    -What are some of your skills?: Computer programming
    -How can you contribute to the group?: By Helping People who need help
    -Links to any contributions If any: none sir sorry
    -Reason why you want to join?: Because I want to help other people in channel and i want to make more active in this channel i mean i want to unvouch to spoiler/leaver and especially Map Hackers
    -Why do you deserve to be Staff?:
    1) To promote and create a better gaming environment sincerely.
    2) Helping users by Asking about in channel .
    Miscellaneous Questions:

    -Name: Joseph Noel Hementera
    -Age: 16
    -Country/State: Philippines
    -In one paragraph, describe your personality: i respect the other people like respecting my mom and dad
    -Rate your grammar, on a scale from 1-10: i think ? 8 ?
    -How active are you on the computer?: every minute i mean everyday oNline
    -Do you act differently on the internet, than you do in real life?: Never , i cant ..

    Remember joining this group is strictly a privilege, leaders are not obligated to accept new members. Applications will be reviewed in time and selection will be more strict. If you're not selected, just re-apply another time.

    Posts : 20
    Join date : 2013-01-04
    Age : 28
    Location : Greece.

    Staff Recruitment -OPENED Empty Re: Staff Recruitment -OPENED

    Post by DeAtH-LeGenD™ Wed Feb 13, 2013 9:59 pm

    Congrats to Ying21|.

    Staff Recruitment closed.

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